Your Cart

Customers with no Order

Customers with no Order
Customers with no Order
 Version:   1.0                                     
 Supports:  OpenCart 1.5.x.x                                                                                              

 1. Description                                                               
 A VQmod Extension to speed up opencart by Loading Categories without counting
 number of products in category.It will disable Product Count in categories Module


 2. Installation                                                              

 2.1  Requires vQmod 2.1.5 minimum.                                        
         Get it from here:                                  
 2.2  Follow instruction in 'opencart_install.txt' file that comes with    
         vQmod in /docs/ to install vQmod in your OpenCart store.             
 2.2  Copy all contents into your store. No files will be overridden.