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Product Cost Profit Sales Report

Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Custom Labels
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report
Product Cost Profit Sales Report

This vqmod extension adds the ability to add product cost to your
products and then report per month, year, your benefits / profits by
selecting a date range. Also you can set up shipping cost and view a
report with your shipping balance to know if you are charging enough. And now, you are able to view it all in a chart report.

If you would like to have an easy way to know your profit / benefit in
your admin area with a simple click, this is a must have extension!


- Multilingual
- Multistore
- Very easy to Understand and Use
- Select several Order States
- Select several Customers Groups
- Select a Date Range to know Profit
- Per Month / Year Grouped
- Total Profits + Percentages
- Chart View to understand values easier
- Uses Product Options to calculate Cost
- Total Tax per month & date range
- Total Coupons, Credits, Handling
- Total Voucher, Commissions, Rewards
- Select the fields you need in report
- Set Order Shipping Cost
- Total Shipping Sales & Shipping Cost
- Shipping Balance to analyze shipping
- Query individual Customer Sales
- Query individual Order Profit
- Query Products Sales
- Filter your sales per Payment Method
- Filter your sales per Shipping Method
- An easy Tool to setup Past Orders Costs (only product cost, no option cost is done)

Compatibility: 1.5.5,, 1.5.6,,,,
